I died laughing, but then again I have a sense of humor.
I died laughing, but then again I have a sense of humor.
Took me a few months to get used to my Mirena. I think I’m taking it out in the summer though. Every fucking thing makes me cry. I was watching HP and the Goblet of Fire the other day and the quidditch World Cup made me SOB. Like full on ugly bawling. And it’s ruined my sex drive.
None of these people watch BET.
You’re not wrong to say this smells funny, but there is no way to separate this into one part “serious racial discrimination” and one part “less so, but still serious gender discrimination” without reducing the former. Let’s not reduce this. Not one bit.
At my school KA had a cannon pointed at one of the African American frats. It was disgusting and no one ever said or did anything about it. This was at a school with a large AA population, but kids in KA came from rich families who donated to the school, so the administration turned a blind eye. Amazing what the right…
I haven’t read or seen it. I did read a lot of stuff written by people who were very displeased by the whole thing and as I am white and don’t have a pony in this race, I choose to believe the many black writers and their many persuasive arguments about the problems in The Help. I work actively to break down my…
I might have had your back if you hadn’t snuck the White privilege snark in there. Now I kind of think you’re just an entitled asshole with no self-awareness and that your kid is likely to be as well.
Oddly, I’d much rather hear crying children then forfeit my carry-on storage space under the seat in front of me. I don’t feel it’s reasonable for you to expect that you can take that space from the person behind you. If there’s no room in the overhead, my bag is going under the seat in front of me - and you’re out of…
You can ask questions while still giving no fucks.
Because sexual history is an interesting part of a person’s life, and hearing about it can be a great part of getting to know them? You can ask questions while still giving no fucks.
Rather than avoid the topic for your entire life, why not find a partner who doesn’t make snap judgments based on your sexual history? If one partner experiences jealousy maybe use that experience to improve communication, foster respect and self confidence?
Why is it a Fuck You if she wants a different Black lady on a $20 bill?
One thing that I’ve wondered for a while is whether there is an accepted expectation for pretense in rap lyrics. When you listen to the lyrics in metal music, the vast majority of it is fantasy about abstract concepts, drug trips, or angsty angry stuff. But most of the fans of the music accept it as pretend and all a…
Why does she have to take Rita into an elevator? Last I checked, it wasn’t Rita who made vows to her.
You want to know how commonplace this is? No, you probably don’t.
Any response to the 1000+ comments concerning your writing here, on Groupthink, and on Live Journal?
Bachelorette parties will forever have a special place in my heart. The first time I ever went to a real club (alone and with a male friend), this guy kept creeping over and grinding on me, uninvited. I wasn't yet the elbow-throwing feminist menace I am today, so I didn't know what to do other than sort of awkwardly…