Whether you're boycotting the Sochi Olympics for political reasons or just really, really bored with snow-based…
Whether you're boycotting the Sochi Olympics for political reasons or just really, really bored with snow-based…
I've never been so impressed by such a terrible outfit.
I for one am very glad you are doing this. I took one look at those photos from the Vogue spread, and my first thought was, Vogue photoshopped at least 20 lbs off of Lena.
Working as a line cook in a college town will teach you how to make awesome food while under the influence of all kinds of fun substances.
I feel like I should make you my role model.
you deserve a trophy or a tiara or something! i'd go with a tiara. i had to cook a christmas dinner once for 14 drunk british footballers! they wanted turnips!! so i got DRUNK and managed it all. the fun part was watching them pretend to fuck the mutilated turkey carcass. good times good times.
Me too, except that Parenthood actress.
This is what Sarah Lawrence is like.
Ugh. I feel the same way when people bitch about Christmas and St. Valentine's Day. Get over yourself and eat some fucking candy.
When people tell me they're "just not that in to" Halloween, all I hear is static. Does not compute.
It's a such great holiday to filter new acquaintances.
So does this green light for bad taste mean that Jezebel will approve when I combine a sport coat, shades, cigarette, leotard and two balls of socks to create my "Joe Cameltoe" outfit?
I bet you don't even own a television. Tell me all about who you think is the most underrated beat poet.
I like this post a lot (love the points system), but I'm a bit confused as to how simply portraying something bad is offensive. First off, that's kind of the POINT of AHS. They messed with the Holocaust last year (I'm Jewish and was not offended- it was just campy and silly). If this show were actually condoning…