How would he go about firing someone who, as I understand it, does not actually work for him?
How would he go about firing someone who, as I understand it, does not actually work for him?
“Silver does deserve credit for not firing Morey on the spot”
The Chinese are a bunch of bloodsuckers, so they assumed Adam Silver was on their side.
Tessa has Virtue but Scott wants Moir.
Five bucks says the Patriots knew about this. Five more says the Raiders didn't.
Steelers fans like him again now
This man is 23 and yet could conceivably be a brother of Jim Tomsula.
They should have told the Kent State administration to fuck off and kept playing. I mean, what are they gonna do about it, call in the National Guard?
All due respect to field hockey players, but I’ve killed house flies that were more important than a college field hockey game.
“That guy, the one who’s huge and totally ripped and considered a great athlete by NBA standards, that’s the dude I’m gonna pick a fight with!”
I came here to say this. I try not to think about it. We should have won 2 super bowls under Reid. Watching the Chiefs in the playoffs the past 2 years was like reliving the waking nightmare that was the Eagles NFC championship games against the Bucs, Panthers and Cardinals. still knots my stomach all these…
They say being a fan of sport(s) is like being on an emotional roller coaster. With Andy Reid, the roller coaster - without fail - will always be a long climb, the track leveling out and heading straight, then just one drop to ground level and then the ride ends.
Everybody owns the Chiefs.
accused of throwing a newborn baby through a plate glass window of a gun store full of sex worker corpses...and guns
That’s great, Drew. But who are the Chefs?
The Incredible Machine
That’s a name that rings a bell that knocks over a bowling ball that makes a hamster run on a wheel that powers a conveyor belt that shoots a basketball into a hoop.
I know where he is coming from, I got a charlie horse the other day, and despite the pain and my body screaming at me to stop, I kept at it and finished that bucket of chicken.