I Like Cheap Beer

Gardner Minshew looks like a guy who struts, or at least saunters.

I’m an Eagles fan. My coworker is a Cowboys fans.
About the only thing we agree on regarding football is that we both LOVE Dan Snyder and hope he continues to own the Skins for a very long time.

I knew about this. I damn near pissed myself the first time I saw it.

As a lifelong Eagles fan, I just want to let Chiefs fans know that as long as Andy is the coach, it will never get better.
It never gets better.

Wawa is to Sheetz, what Staples is to OfficeMax: THE EXACT SAME STORE!

We asked ourselves “is this team better than ‘85?”

Has anyone told Nagy that he should never go full Ray Finkle?

- They’ve even managed to define mediocrity on Thursday Night Football. Their record? 3-6

This is the 2nd day in a row that Drew responded to a factually incorrect email.

It was 2012 and the Niners had just lost a heartbreaker to the Giants in the Super Bowl (Kyle Williams fumbled two punt returns...)

We somehow are the oldest franchise in the NFL, and yet we still have no NFL championships if you don’t count the one we won against POTTSVILLE.

Emmert even threatened to ban California schools from NCAA championships if the bill was passed

Now playing

Amen. Even though the replay refs blew this call, I’ve zero sympathy for Oregon and their fans. No whistle was blown, yet all 11 Ducks quit on the play. They deserved to have the call on the field stand.

You lie!

No shit? Who knew he stopped sucking?

WTF? Now I like Vampire Weekend(‘s newest album)!

A bag ban would be long term detrimental to MLB.


Hilary Stonefrost was one of James Bond’s failed conquests.