I Like Cheap Beer

True story: I continually thought of the Colts as “Baltimore” for over 20 years. It wasn’t until around the time they won a Super Bowl that I stopped that association.

Arturo Merino bought the Anaheim Angels. People seem to forget that. The name change always seemed craven to me.

the Angels decided to plunk their money down now and keep Trout in Los Angeles.

Waiting is a criminally underappreciated Ryan Reynolds movie.

Several years ago, it was Bleacher Report that would get Deadspin frothing at the mouth.

You mispelled “province.”

That debt on the stadium was still around in 2002 when the Quebec governement said no to helping the Expos build a new stadium.
So the 76 Olympics eventually doomed MLB in Montreal.

Also, how many people were unenthused about this game? My thoughts were:
“Ugh, Patriots again. And, really? The Rams?”
I hadn’t been this unexcited about a Super Bowl since those Niners/Cowboys blowouts in the 90's.

You dark sonuvabitch.

They were targeting the convention business with this.
If there was a demand for a Vegas sized hotel in downtown, private developers would have been falling all over each other to do it.
Or to put it another way, if the city leaders were any good at business, they wouldn’t be in politics.

Keep in mind, this is a city who really thought they needed a 1000 room hotel in downtown.
But nobody wanted to build a 300 room hotel in downtown.
So, the city said, “Fuck it! We’ll build it they will come.”
Well they didn’t come to the hotel, and it’s been an unsurprising financial drain.
The city is currently

Challenge failed. I was referring to those guys’ time with the Cardinals. Of all of them, Leinart was the best while a Cardinal.

Here are some other guys who have had the privilege of throwing to Fitzgerald: Shaun King, John Navarre, Matt Leinart, Tim Rattay, Max Hall, John Skelton, Rich Bartel, Kevin Kolb, Ryan Lindley (oh god), Drew Stanton, Blaine Gabbert, Sam Bradford, and, most recently, Josh Rosen.

U2 fans did something similar regarding Zooropa.

Lowe was competing for PBR at the National Western Stock Show

As far as ad hominem arguments go, that was weak. Try harder.

The Eagles lost 6 winnable games this season. 7 if you count Sunday.

You’re clearly not an Eagles fan. If you are, you’re under 25.
Carl’s right. They made this playoff run stupidly hard by blowing winable games throughout the season.

Meh. We’ll always have Gritty.