
How about an Asteroid that takes out enough of his cabinet and lawmakers to give Bernie a clear line of succession?

“Thousands and thousands”?


There is another way to cause a state transition with sound. That principle is used on medical and furniture adhesives to liquify them rather than using heat.

I’d really love to see Netflix or Amazon do a serialized adaptation of They Live!

Perhaps a minigame of replying to the correct post would help you out.....

You could trim that down to:

Why does a VR game have to have a campaign at all?

As an owner of a partially running Chevy Chevette, Can you point me in the direction of 5 officially sanctioned motorsport races I can enter and have a chance of winning?

I read it as Antarctic Crack Forces (ACF) evacuated some scientists.

Somehow I don’t think the Penthouse Letters section dedicated to C-span studio hookups is going to do particularly well...

“Otherwise, at the end of eight years, I’ll come back and say ‘You’re fired,’”

My brain saw this:

Actually It’s called a weekday.....

Tell me more about the Zombie Dildo game I’m intrigued.

Mount two pointed in opposite directions and see if the rig starts to spin. That would eliminate the possibility of a change in the center of mass.

Fix yo gramma! “we can goodbye to the food”...

The main link makes it look like you were watching a gif repeat when you wrote the article, stoned...

“The cat suspected to be Patient Zero ... ... or came in contact with another cat who did.”

I find it more concerning that “Holy Smokes, man!” = losing his shit.