
Citizens aren’t allowed to take up guns against the government either. If you are going to have a hypothetical conversation about that, you have to allow for all of the other related things that citizens aren’t allowed to do as well.

Where is the “Fuck you” outrage at Clinton? A candidate whose hubris and desire for office overrode every poll showing Sanders would have had a decisive victory against a Trump ticket. A candidate who inspired (not directed) followers to disrupt and interfere with primary, caucus, and convention voting within her own

Except for, you know, anti-aircraft guns and anti-tank rounds......

What about a modified demarchy where instead of random citizens, an algorithm selects leaders skewed toward the most needed skills? For example, you hear a lot of people saying their dream ticket would be Tyson/Nye. Neither have political ambitions, but could be forced into leadership positions under a demarchy.

Why? Are you planning something?

This needs to be photoshopped with Putin riding Trump bareback since all we can look forward to now is the day their bromance turns physical.

Asgardia is looking for a home country...

Nevada got weed too.

Why are the Hydra Bots made out of Legos?

Wait. This election isn’t fake news? There is really an angry orange orangatang with comically tiny hands on the ballot? Oh shit.

I guess that would make Trump, Wilson Fisk, if it werent for his tiny deadpool baby hands....

No one wants to see Hillary in that pose. Especially Bill....

Am I the only one hoping DareDevil shows up and beats the shit out of everyone?

If they are in use in the American SW in June/July. Heat + Batteries can = a bad day.

They should just replace trump’s detail with minimum wage contracted part-time workers. You can get a lot more people for less $, have complete coverage, completely avoid overtime, and since they are part time, avoid having to pay for benefits or retirement.

“back story” is how accidents happen.....

Before Meth:

I’m going to have to side with Musk on this one. The statistics of accident rates aside, people are biased and can become easily biased by what they are exposed to. The primary consumers of journalism, the ones who not only read an article, but also have a rudimentary understanding of the topic, are not the problem.

They would have worn button down shirts at the time, this obviously is from a Polo 13 ....