
Was I the only one having a hard time figuring out if SHIELD was getting a new director or if the show was getting a new director?

Or ejecting passengers, transforming into a robot, jumping over an obstacle, firing off a couple shots at an enemy robot or car, grabbing the passengers back in mid air and re-transforming back into a car with the passengers still in their seats.

I doubt they are gathering info on the topic presented at all.

Now that they are more protected in the east the west will want them all as pets.

Is legal for League Night?

Correction: something everyone else is doing wrong.

“There should be something like a sex offender registry for bad game programmers that prevents them from living within 1,000 feet of a Unity engine.”

The trailer is a bit sappy.

The ending really sticks it.

Why wood we do that?

Can we do that with cable companies(as ISPs as well as TV broadcasting) as well?

Actually there is. The issue isn’t with generating the power, it is storing it for later use. A still, clear night is all it takes to black out an area on solar and wind only power. Fossil fuel plants can’t switch on and off that quickly. They would still have to run constantly to be available to cover gaps like that.

Why haven’t these licensed merchandise producers figured out that adults would buy the hell out of this stuff if it was offered in adult sizes? They could add a bit more quality touches, up the size and double the price and they would still struggle to keep up with orders.

This film is rooted in the pain of being a child.

And they say Japan has strange fetishes.....

If it goes off, it should give GTA some replay value...

The towel will prevent splatter in both directions when “flipping the bacon”....

Which would still have caused a derailment to make the train hit the station.

Just put a towel over your sensitive bits when flipping the bacon. Did I just invent a new euphemism? flipping the bacon....

Having a microwave from the 80's apparently...