
Not necessarily. There is an economy of scale technologically. The America’s had their share of failed/lost colonies despite the abundance of resources and food. Without supplies from their homelands many people died just trying to figure out what planets were edible and which were poisonous. Eventually, people were

Gold is a poor and short sighted example. The most money to be had in space will be mining materials used in space. Initially, the most valuable will be water which can be used for fuel as well as turned into atmosphere for people.

People flock to it, found cities around it, and have lots of babies creating long term additional demand for it. Space will be the new California.

Am I the only one that thinks he is a Bizzaro John Barrowman?

(Sigh) There are so many fallacies and unwarranted conclusions here, I can’t begin to articulate them all.

I had a brief hope for a moment that this was Ken Ham’s Park :(

Well he does have the hair...

“with no end to the upward trend in sight.”

“has already offers”

There is probably more to it than that. Most tech jobs with ties to intelligence/military have a clearance requirement. Once automatically disqualifying items are identified on the first two tiers they do further interviews on the remainder. If 90% of the 73% had ties to the Chinese Government, that is going to really

Congratulations! This is the stupidest thing I’ve read on the internet today.

Evolution isn’t about competing with other species, it’s about replacing your own species while competing with the environment.

No. Evolution does not work that way.

How do you tell when it is finished?

“Researchers from Stanford’s Hopkins Marine Station have developed a two-lensed camera that sticks to the backs of filter-feeding whales with suction cups.” This explains why whales have started accusing each other of pseudoscientific cupping of late.

Well It is pretty much Gotham’s take on batman. The only difference is Thomas was killed because he was asking too many questions.

So if one went out, they’d all go out?

It matters because it is not a single incident, does not have a single cause, sets a precedent, and does not only affect a single visual grouping of people. What it is is a narrowly focused view of a greater issue. Wearing religious headgear in the workplace is the same issue, arguably about “race”, yet is presented

It could be as simple as contractually obligated pre-production work. Script read throughs, motion capture sessions, stunt coordination training, etc.

You have a very low threshold for weird.