
Specialized organs? For sensing vibrations? Like ears?

I have to disagree. Not completely, mind you. “Immutable characteristics” is more about cultural discrimination today. The US has a nostalgic view of immigrants fully assimilating when becoming citizens. It’s tied to a time when immigrants would come to the US and stay. In the last few decades(correlatively to the

Run for an elected office.

The guy from the Talking Heads? :P

Maybe its not a matter of not knowing it was unlocked. It could just be apathy or unlocked by a toddler with their parent’s phone.

The other replies have missed a rather obvious technical point. the documents from 1978 would have been typed on paper. They didn’t have PCs running windows and MS word to open the original and delete lines. Even for later electronic documents the file formats could have been in any number of WP programs that couldn’t

Fixed that for you. :P

I just unplug them.

There are dozens of better board games that don’t inspire murder and domestic violence...

I can’t wait till this starts popping up as a complaint from YECs.

and a flamethrower...

These laws will evaporate when prosecutors start using them against gun dealers...

This is one of the characters I’d be tempted to put into a #2 list. Yes, #2 as in poo.


Wha? Do you...? Can? Fuck it. I’m done with this thread. :P

That is why I should be hired immediately as a marketing director with an exorbitant salary.

There are no numbers. Just an LED that blinks when you take a step. the “controls” are just a sticker.