
I think Hamill forgets his character is not the lead anymore and his appearance is in the 3rd set of films is only to to get rid of him in a way that fans will accept.

This Idea about Titan comes up from time to time and is usually completely incorrect about how chemistry works. At least this time around they stopped looking at carbon as a building block. The point about the amount of energy is odd however. The energy needs of cryo-organism would scale with chemistry available at

I agree. But even if it did see us as yummy, our immune response would go after it. Even cells from another closely related human get attacked in transplant patients without a lifetime of taking anti-rejection drugs.

No, because you need a planet’s weight and volume of reactions to have a chance at it happening. If you force it down to the size of a VW Beetle you have reduced the odds of a useful compound even forming by an astronomical amount.

There are Millions if not Billions or Trillions of species of bacteria. Only a small fraction of a fraction can tolerate the conditions in the human body. Temperature, nutrients, acidity all play a role. In order for a bacteria to be ignored by our immune system it would have to be more like us than other bacteria

Because it’s not a cake recipe. If you want it in those terms, the duration in the oven would be in the hundreds of thousands of years.

Think of it like a distant geosynchronous orbit around venus. Similar to our second quasi-moon, except in a stable orbit.

Angular momentum.

Venus could be quite hospitable if we built a giant shade in space at the focal point between the Sun and Venus. Just enough so Venus loses more heat than it gets from the sun and it would only need hydrogen en masse to make it sustainable.

And to fill the rest of the day, binge watch The Mentalist.....

Snake Bliskin in space....

Well, there were also several years between the movie and the show in the continuity for him to deal with his depression. What RDA did for the character that made him so likeable was that he played the character as a smart dumb guy and for most of it a sarcastic straight man. Deadpan sarcastic humor always plays well

This doesn’t make any sense to me. There is plenty of Oxygen bound to carbon, but very little Hydrogen. It seems much more plausible to me that with the breakup of water molecules into pure gases, the atmosphere swelled and the liberated lighter Hydrogen was pushed to the upper atmosphere where it was skimmed off by

Looks like Vegas was moved to Mars.

This would be awesome in my Fallout themed room.

I don’t get why people have issues with the play area in VR. Chaperone mode renders all objects in visual range in a kind of shadowy point could that is detailed enough to distinguish human faces, and read text off people’s shirts. If you set it up properly it will show the room overlayed in 3d when you get near the

Yeah I have no arguments about the GPU, but the $500 min for the base PC is too low. With a $500 GPU you need a system with 16GB ram, a speedier i5 proc, an SSD, a midrange PSU, etc. just to not bottleneck the GPU. I think the min PC would be more like $800 and up, otherwise it’s not worth getting a $500 GPU in the

Well that may have been what you meant, but what you said was “ $500+ for the unit and another $500+ for the PC”. If you can’t say what you mean, how can you mean what you say? :P

If you think $1k will get you a playable VR experience on PC you must be from 5 years in the future playing on what will then be obsolete hardware. Otherwise, you are in the $2k to $5k range.

Amazon is not alone in this. The US government stores chemical weapons left over from wars 50+ years old instead of destroying them because the EPA fine is cheaper when there are leaks than the cost of disposal.