
I’m going to speculate that it is a cryovolcano slowly releasing brine which evaporates instantly at the surface leaving dry salt pouring down the sides.

It’s a compelling argument, he makes, however it is demonstrably false. Example: I am a horrible musician, I do not have the required set of skills to play an instrument proficiently. I know this not because I have the skills which I do not, but rather I have another skill: recognition of music. I can hear a note out

In my experience it was pretty accurate. We got a computer in our school when I was in 7th grade. It passed from room to room on a cart. The teacher assigned to be the computer teacher had never touched one (including it) before. I taught the 7th grade class as a 7th grade student in that class because I had one at

“who’s to say there isn’t some wacky alien biology perfectly adapted to the -179 degree Celsius surf?”

What is the NASA protocol if an astronaut refuses to leave?

This mod needs a vienna sausage fingers achievement.

Or, even better.... They give the suspect a ticket for riding with no belt..

Now playing

“automatically orders fresh Brita filters as soon as you need replacements.”


Worst mis-telling of all prior myths, ever.

It’s not the age so much as not taking off the Jack Sparrow costume, ever.

You don’t need a condom when you are alone.....

“But before we get to the science, let’s say what we’re all thinking—that rodent looks like a penis with feet.”

Now playing

If nothing else it will be good fodder for parody clips like this:

If only they had lived to the age of 250, they would have noticed a difference......

I think, maybe, we are using the word Discovery a bit too liberally.

While on one hand I love that TWD opened up the genre to more mainstream audiences, I still think WWZ would have made for a much better (less annoying characters, less boring) weekly serial.

Somebody needs to slap a brazzers logo on that graphic.....

Looks like a cross between Alan Rickman and Jimmy Fallon....

With better resolution and analysis of wave patterns, Is it possible to determine whether or not a singularity collapses dimensions around a particle as it enters the event horizon? Could waves be used to infer the interior structure of a black hole past the event horizon?