
Not true. Chaperone mode will display a point cloud image of objects near you including walls and furniture. It can be configured separately from the vive wall and while it can’t show some fine details like a soda can on a glass desk, I can read the text off posters and tshirts.

I’m not sure about the name. Shouldn’t it be something like Roboty McRobotface?

“But specifically, look at that right guy. That lil bird.”

Based on the picture above, he may have escaped, or he has a rare skin condition that causes him to look like a jail cell....

Second round picks:

We do talk with a British accent. It’s the British who don’t because they decided to change it to the received pronunciation during the War of Independence when we had cut our ties with them.

Don’t be a luddite.

I rather thought it implied that paper disintegrates in water...

It sounded to me like an Ozzy interview sped up to Alvin and the Chipmunks speed....

In all likelihood it is a universe unto itself with inverted (or negative) dimensions organizing the infinitely dense information of what has fallen into it. If that is the case then a black hole within that universe would have another set of inverted dimensions within it and would look like our own.

I wonder how much of the presumed missing mass in the universe is contained in momentum of the observable objects in the universe, especially things we can’t see directly like singularities.

The thing is it doesn’t just change the timeline back to where it was in Episode 1. It screws with Legends as well.

The real question is whether or not you pay the baggage fee and check it or try to deal with it as carry-on. It shouldn’t take that much extra time to get through security right?

“which took place during the Holocaust.” Which was the prelude to the Holocaust.

Awww. They found it? Poor CNN. I guess they’ll just have to go off the air now.

So who should the next Bond be? Jack Black?

“TSA has sent 58 new officers to O’Hare to help shorten wait times” What did they do? Stuff some homeless people in uniforms, hand them a pamphlet, a wand, and say “go get em!”? OR did they just take one of their existing staff to Kinkos and make 58 copies?

Just don’t let Trump pick an N word for it.....

All they’re missing now is Bill Murray and Dan Akroyd.