
So how big is a mini Neptune?

Considering the 0 wasn’t used in in its current form until the 5th to 7th century in India, any attempts at dating or counting based on ancient texts are bound to be inaccurate. Prior to that 0 existed in some cultures but was used in different ways with differing notation locally. Many ancient numbers could only be

So everything is reversed East to West or North to South as well?

Seeing Imaging like this has left me with unrealistic expectations when I go in for it. Both my, and my son’s imaging just looks like blurry photos taken of a B&W TV screen showing closeups of paint mixing with water.

It would be different if the article were written by a designer rather than an editor. It would also be different if this were a working technology rather than a theoretical or partially working concept. It would also be different if the dispersion of devices all fell within the beam’s footprint, which there is no way

A coherent directional beam of light vs. a nanoscale machine you can’t see that is moving in 3 dimensions following a generally curved path inside a body. The chances of connecting up are smaller than shaking Donald Trump’s nanoscale fingers.

Nanites powered by light being stuck where the sun don’t shine doesn’t sound like a well thought out plan.

Apparently humor is notoriously unreliable as well.....

You are conflating geographic origins with political ones. Generalization based on geographical origins is less specific but typically more correct than making political or cultural generalizations. In that British and Scottish are culturally exclusive not based upon politics, but on linguistics, traditions, music,

The only way to know for sure is to poke him really hard in the ribs with a stick.....

The problem is they tend to slide or fall over on their sides.

As I get older and have less time to sit and read, I find that I want to just see slideshows all day long of Sci-fi book cover art.

“keeping demand slow means they have more time to build out infrastructure.”

This only scratches the surface. In Las Vegas, the main provider is Cox. But If I want a Static IP address so I can run remote service for myself like an email server on my NAS or RDP into one of my computers, or host a game server, I have to have a business account. That prevents me from even getting bundled

So how much is a Catherine Zettabyte Jones?

“Isn’t DNA known for being notoriously unreliable?”

If you are going to have a Genome, you might as well put it in a protective storage device like a cell membrane. Depending on how far you want to take it, you could have a very scary life form when you are done. Who wants to see a mammal that runs on Windows?

Apparently that’s a trend.....

Yes. Which has what to do with Kurds in Asia?

The Klutzy Killer?