
“it also claims that by making images easy to download”

You’re replying to the wrong person...

It doesn’t matter what I define. It only matters what he claims as his heritage.

Which is not a defining characteristic of ethnicity....

I always imagined this movie was like an LA version of 12 Monkeys existing in the same universe.

Fitting since Dodge’s drive like they are always in neutral....

I wonder how other grid/voxel based games fare.

This is utterly horrifying. I imagine it would take me months to separate that batch by hand back into separate colors!

Wait. When was the last time people used coins? The Dark Ages?

In my experience so far, no event log, just a crash dump file mysteriously hidden somewhere.

Yes It was explained.

Are Hillary’s numbers correct if you count the number of guns police use that come from Vermont?

Why do these graphs look like bit torrent download completion graphs. Irony?

“Well, it has happening once again”


Ted looks like a reptile that is still in the process of swallowing a rat.