
If we make Lab grown meat from human cells, would that be cannibalism? Could we someday find black market celebrity meat available for consumption? Is it too early to file a trademark claim on Trump burgers? If DNA evidence from Jesus could be engineered into lab meat, how would that change Catholicism? These are the

“Using olfactory receptors to shut down and kill off cancer cells might be a whole new way of treating the disease.”

You don’t. You use multiple vectors. Presumably, they are looking at the vector of each pixel in the grid for a letter between Font A and Font B, then picking the same point along all vectors to see the font at that point in time. Kind of like morphing two faces together and stopping the animation at the midpoint to

“recently uploaded these character models” Where are the models? I only see rendered pictures of them.

Donald Trump bending over naked in the shower to watch Bernie Sanders bending over naked in the shower to pick up a bar of soap which he then hands to Bristol Palin wearing a poncho.

F. that. That’s too much money. I can buy a 42” 4k display for that.

This stunt appears to have been cherry picked.

Ford should so sell this as a kit car.

What about these accessories?

Why do I feel like I’ve seen these in Fallout?

Which ocean? There’s more than one....

Remember that time when Janeway and Paris got turned into salamanders and had babies?

Why is Sarah Palin Investigating this?

At first I was hoping this was an article about how scientists discovered the CMB was in itself, encrypted data. Would make a much better story.....

Pluto Catan

Photoelectric Artisan Baristas

Except for the part where they limit something called unlimited.

If he didn’t, heating the can to fusion temperatures would cause it to explode.

Which still doesn’t address the question of whether or not the First, Second, and Third dimensions are actually 1, 2, and, 3. I’m not talking about the total proposed in String Theory, I’m talking about the hierarchical placement within.