
They should have his first scene be him pulling up in this:

What if the entangled particle is connected to another particle in the multiverse and the one we think is entangled is just the mirror of another particle in a universe so similar that it appears to be the same?

Why Higher dimensions? Who is to say that 1,2,3 aren’t really 4,5,and 6 and there aren’t lower dimensions.

Maths gangs. Flashing gang equations to show their affiliation. Doing drive by differential equations. Selling calc on street corners, getting into brawls over who’s numbers are true primes. Those that master Imaginary Numbers and can free themselves from maths gangs have a destiny in GOP politics. Then comes the war

Pass. I’m not going to be locked into subscribing to some third rate network streaming service that makes me work on their terms. I’d rather catch up on my kindle library or get my teeth pulled with the claw end of a hammer.

Makes sense to me that Sci-Fi, Porn, and Masturbation would go hand in hand.....

Meh. Wake me when Outer Limits comes back.....

I’m going to go with Murder Suicide and a love triangle.

I hereby recast Escape From New York’s Snake Bliskin with Wesley Snipes.

I imagine that eventually the reason they stopped painting it white is because they stopped using it altogether....

Hang on, I’ll talk to Al Gore.....

I don’t get it. Why not just lock the frequency on the hardware die? Intel has been doing that for years...

Doesn’t it go on your head?

But then they can’t double your actual speed then reduce the overage by 50% on the written ticket as a favor to you....

Unless you enter a no contest plea.

It must be Friday, that sounds dirty.

If it is a 32bit proc, why so few pins? Wouldn’t it be a better fit for the due formfactor?

Have you tried turning it off, then on again?

It’s Hershel from TWD....