
Don’t know if this counts, but I was 41 when I conceived my son....

Blue whales are obviously the real Illuminati. Mind controlling us from the oceans while they build a clone army of more blue whales to take to the streets and invade our cities and towns. Mark my words, someday soon we will see the advance army of the blue whales taking our lands and jobs. we need to build a fence to

Maybe he was the Doctor......

That is just batshit crazy.

I’m not sure I understand what happened at all.

Funniest horror comedy you’ve seen in ages? Perhaps you missed:

They can bring in Julie Benz and her assistant from work. I’d be on board with that.

I’m getting really tired of the “speed is a factor” nonsense. Of course it is a factor. A literal factor. By definition, F=MA.

No Stains. One of Billy Mays’ ancestors was a trader and sold a miracle bleaching agent to the known world at the time.

That wasn’t what I was implying. More like given the events in that series, the motivations of a BM vs. SM fight made a-lot more sense than the movie plot initially did. The movie plot makes Bruce seem like an ignorant brute, when as a smart billionaire he should be able to figure out that the SM vs. Zod fight while

I’ve heard many people say that ancient Arabic sounds alot like greek. ;)

I thought that too, until I read the Red Son comics, then it all made sense.

We need to replace our Chuck Norris memes, with Buzz Aldrin. If you disagree with this, Buzz will beat you down.

What if you feed them weed? “Smoked, Baked Ham” has a whole new meaning.

W’alnuts around here so you are in good company. Besides those wild hogs are dangerous. Don’t they revert to Canarium- ism in the wild and start pecan fights with any humans they come across? You butternut get in their way if they do.

If pigs were slightly more intelligent, it could have been the other way around.

Woo Hoo! The Murder Meetup group is going to be busy in the future.

Who’s been operating on robots and why don’t they just turn them off then on again after the surgery? Calling them dead is a little over the top I think.

Someone slap a Brazzers logo on that bee.