
Would the phrase “Your momma is so old, she has pubic feathers” be ornithologically correct then?

I’m thinking Kirk’s love interest. You know how it likes the freaky space ladies...

[Informal acceptance of praise with a slightly self-deprecating remark indicative of someone with low self esteem and/or additional matriarchal issues]

[trolling comment from kinja cross link to gawker referred from with poor speeling, racist language against the Portugese, and inappropriate use of a comma,]

Like a movie called “Inks” that details the daily lives of the blood squids and their conflicts with the criptopi.


Incest was also common in those periods, so the step sibling thing would have been tame by comparison.

This picture is crying out for a Brazzers logo...

There is still room in the classical theory that hasn’t been explored. If gravitational forces can twist and compress spacetime, they may be able to collapse dimensions or even invert them. Imagine a 3D space collapsed by gravity into two dimensions, then one, then none (i.e. a singularity). If the dimensional

I’m just going off his statement about them “having not as high resolution as you want.”

The caveat is low resolution.

“the country’s first-ever transplant of a 3D-printed titanium skull.”

They were a 100 fold better than the Plastic Egg Cup chairs from TOS.

Pig Centipede or Pig-pi-ig(Turducken style)?

If we ever want to launch a drone strike on Iran’s nukes, we’ll need to attack Adobe’s HQ in San Jose...


There are a lot of DNA repositories around the world, some criminal, some university researched. Although I think its likely the killer was of Swedish descent...

If they still had viable evidence, they could run DNA and check to see if the killer had any familial matches with people today.

Speak for yourself. Some of us look resemble ketchup packets that have been squeezed to one end...