
I haven't been able muster any interest in any game other than Space Engineers since June. I have racked up around 2300 hours playing it so far...

Can we do this with Stephen Colbert in a wing suit next?

"Because kids who spend their childhood driving miniature Range Rovers grow up to become teenagers who expect the real thing when they turn sixteen."

I would think calling in the first place is the prank, while hanging up ends said prank. I'm just glad they don't use it to catch pedantic commenters...

I wonder how many of the body volunteers hope to get smarter after the transplant...

There are much cheaper ways to get a machine that would give me nightmares...

I miss Rangers. I regret selling my 2008 4Dr sport everytime I go to buy something large like furniture or tvs.

The fandom's GIF for everything hits Kinja....

I don't see the mystery here. If you hit it hard enough its going to ring like a bell. Portions that are a different density are going to reverberate differently causing dust to move in a non-uniform way across the surface. Its basic physics.

I refuse to believe this because you can't stack platypuses as high as Jimmi Hendrix at a Japanese Bar Mitzvah.

I'm going to go with the Pencil.

Ugh. Worst $ I have spent in a while for a game. 1:30 in and I just gave up and installed Alpha Centauri again on a VM.

If your computer still has a CD Drive, you need to throw it away and replace it.

I'd take this over FoxNews and the E! network anyday....

Its also possible that the surname was assigned to him After the betrayal as an insult.

"The ship's blueprints actually show more than one transporter room, but on screen there only appears to be one, and it's easy to put out of action."

Your brain works different than mine then. Either that or you have way different conversations than I do.

Iron? I would think at this stage copper would be more useful for building electronics ready PCBs...

All you need is a thumb that is already on your steering wheel without taking your hands off the wheel for a second. Is a hands free phone call any more distracting than talking to a passenger? After all its instinct to try to make eye contact every so often?

Is a hands free phone call any more distracting than talking to a passenger and trying to make eye contact (instinct) every so often?