
My wife would argue that they are, in fact, toys and that me "restoring" a car is me "playing" in the garage everyday.

They could encase it in a protective coating:

Sort of. FM Radio stations yes, but FM radio as applies to radio communications in general including TV was prevalent. Granted what you are citing is more relevant to the article than mine.

To be fair, the mosquitos don't kill anyone, it's the diseases they carry that kill people.

FM radio was invented in the 40's and became commonplace in the 50's.

Actually, I'm making a completely different assertion. Your argument is disingenuous and you offer no resources to back up your claims regarding toxicity. you claim that

The vapor is there whether you see it or not. Every breath exhaled by everything is filled with vapor as anyone in a cold climate can attest. You can low crawl on the floor and scrape your face on the pavement if you like, but you won't avoid the vapor. All of your whining and offense is irrelevant to FDA regulation.

Then you should stop breathing (preferably now), because everything you inhale is toxic. CO2 is toxic when it builds up in your blood stream. Nitrogen is toxic under pressure. Pure Oxygen will cause skin problems and is an explosive hazard in concentration. Hydrogen will spontaneously ignite and start a fusion

Well there is no data because it hasn't been studied. Having said that, Nicotine itself in isn't a harmful substance unless you get too high of a dosage like any drug. Propylene Glycol is a viscous form of alcohol and is no more harmful than smelling the alcohol vapor from your windshield washing fluid when you are

So, there was this guy and he wanted to make a bomb out of used pot needles, Mentos, and diet Coke. So he got high by shooting up his pot crystals. Then he grabbed the Mentos, ate them and took a nap. Like a boss.

Biggest moving structure ever? You sir, have never seen my mother in a rocking chair...

First time death row drug offenders picked up for possession of a joint.

Imagine how nice getting fiberglass insulation in your eyes would be, then imagine the same thing on a smaller scale inside your organs.

I saw that after I was already committed. Great minds and all :)

In my case a tea/hot chocolate maker...

What to do about algae growing in the reservoir?

Yes that's MSPAINT.EXE, bitch! Suck it Iranian photoshoppers.

He wouldn't have a frame of reference unless he also drove: