
Enough people run reds from a dead stop because of a green arrow that maybe we need to re-think how we set up traffic lights. There is also a problem of consistency. I grew up in a small town that only had solid green lights. A lot of people from my town got into accidents when driving a few towns over that had green

They could have just the assembly line backwards....

So who do I have to kill to get a body like th...Oh, nevermind, thanks for the list.....

I think we need to rename all moon "types" for other bodily fluids.

"And for $40, he even comes with a dry erase marker that he holds in his trunk, a trick a Post-It Note will never master. "

That's not how you get super powers.

How do I make this work with Lapdances? Instructions not clear.

Its not a simulation, nor, timetravel. Its a multiverse movie. He jumps into alternate self timelines to prevent something in his timeline.

You have been able to buy silicone sleeves for entertainment purposes for years but they only last 15 minutes and need washed afterward.

This is why hunters need autonomous auto tracking laser cannons.

Stop poking the AI with sticks, it will only end badly (for meat shamblers).

So is it drones or ROV-UAVs? There is a difference, though it seems not to occur to most people.

Photos you say? That would make a good io9 article.(hint, hint)

I've re-read your second sentence > 5 times and my brain still wants it to say "I'm still a medical oncologist who gets irradiated by bad science."

I would be surprised if you weren't biodegradable - unless you are really Keith Richards :)

I'm Geneticus or Gen for short. My name comes from an old AnarchyOnline character I played at the turn of the century. I'm an under paid and under challenged former undeveloped childhood genius who has fallen on hard brain times. I found io9 and kinja through and I have the snarkyness to prove it.

The thing I loved about the show(s) was the thing I hated about Star Trek. In Trek they had such wonderful tech and no one seemed to have the slightest inspiration to use any of it for anything other than its stated purpose. In SG shows they were always taking one alien bit of tech and figuring a way to cram it into

This reminds me of the SG-1 episode where Carter left a stargate connected to a black hole fall into a star, destabilizing it and causing a supernova.

That rocks!