
It was 4 Teslas after the Westinghouse converter...

...and then someone else says "Hey bubba, you know that thang? I bet I could do that thang better cause I made it to the 8th grade. Here! Hold my beer while I try somethin..." ...and thus was born the redneck olympics.

There is also a re-heating and tempering process depending on the application.

Magnetic dust? WTF? Statically charged metallic particles and magnetic materials are NOT the same thing.

I thought the "rail" referred to the "electrical" rail as in, "the 220 volt plug in your house at 50A uses two 110v rails".

You'd need a bigger boat.....

I vote for Heavy Bolter. Cause Warhammer 40k.

Just don't let the drone get up to 88MPH.

I call B.S. Why does a Railgun have combustible propellant coming out of the barrel? The whole point of a Railgun is to eliminate propellant and accelerate a projectile with electricity.

Wait, is this Fark or Kinja? I need to know what to pour before I drink.....

What do you think Australia is for?

If you want to start or restart a stalled tectonic process that releases minerals and chemicals (Like extremophiles use), then maybe. But if the core is solid like it appears to be on Mars, then it wouldn't matter because you would have no magnetic field to shield the planet.

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I wish you could replicate this with some of the planetary sims out there...