
Kind of surprised that running a VM of an older OS wasn't in your list.

Now he can walk up to women and say "I'm Jeff Bezos. Want to see my nozzle?"

The real "First" Chaos machine:

Now playing

These guys do some quick concise explanations for physics, including Einstein.

Yes, but not on my face.

I'd be that guy.

I just came up with a great idea for a game that totally has nothing to do with what you just said.......

That's oddly specific...

TSA: Sir Why do are you trying to carry 200 ball point pens onto your flight?

What about 2014FUEARTH

It depends on where you draw the lines for your analogy. The Inflationary period after the Big Bang and on to now could be considered to be a Tsunami. The Shockwave from a Supernova helping a Nebula form new stars could also be thought of that way. Even so, analogy is only that and would never describe the process

Your HotPockets would seem hotter and taste less of shame.

I wonder how many guys turned her down...

They aren't supposed to be lazy. They are supposed to be athletic. They are also prone to being obese which will make them appear lazy.

Dean Winchester disapproves of this comment.

They are using Chinese immigrants as slave labor?

I disagree. Pi has a value but isn't a number. Pi IS a ratio which when solved is represented by a number. THAT number is all that she describes, but that number isn't what Pi IS.

No one believes me when I tell them that I created electronic spam in the 90s by creating burner AOL accounts with variations on the name "Toast" and filling AOL chat rooms with the word SPAM if I didn't like what people were saying. I got the inspiration from downloading Monty Python scripts off of BBSs from the

I think you are also missing an old enemy of Christian crusaders, the Moors and my personal fear the Morons.