
Wouldn't it be better to just plant CO2 fixing biomass, pulp it and pump it underground?

Beards Before Men sounds like an 80's band...

There are whole TV networks of people I wish would die before they had sex....

Since we've started brain hacking, is there a hex editor to set my brain to 999 gold coins?

Being held face down and eaten alive by dogs.


So, what if the ancient Norse stories we have are the equivalent of us losing all of our modern stories and only leaving Twilight and the Big Lebowski to get combined and shuffled around by our successors a thousand years from now.


Ok. They don't make any that actually do anything useful.

...and Military. you aren't gonna get a tank running on electric anytime soon.

It's hard to get a "cell only" security service install without having a landline.

They don't make "sun contacts".....

I think you are confusing your usage, with everyone elses.

Instant street cred: Start a gang called the Stray Volts...

Yes they do open the airlocks from time to time for spacewalks or if someone farts...

I was disappointed not to find a selfie.