Whoa, there! Is that Nuclear Gorilla?!
Whoa, there! Is that Nuclear Gorilla?!
Wait, a comment! What sorcery?!
But, Evan, there are no comments! No comments!
This does, indeed, help make sense of Sess' vague tweets that were seen the other day. The fact that he can't actually upload to the Youtubes must be ... goddamn infuriating and worrying for him, and others like him.
Prove it with science!
So, EA closed Victory Studios, eh? Well, when it comes to Command & Conquer, Victory ... is fleeting.
I'm surprised they cancelled it. Couldn't be worse than Command and Conquer 4, so it's shocking they wouldn't shill out some half-assed game, based on a beloved franchise because they want to ruin it, much like many other things.
Meh, I don't care too much for Doritos ... unless I'm drunk. Then, I love Doritos, vehemently, and tell the bag of chips that constantly.
As with most things.
Ah, the good ol' passive-aggressive post, which features a concluding line that says something nice, as to diminish the vehement amount of douchebaggery that was your entire comment.
But, aside from ME3, it was the best RPG franchise last gen so I look forward to reading your thoughts
Hey now. I'm not done with ME1. I still have the paragon article to do where I state it was the best RPG ever, aside from Witcher 1
Don't worry, Fahey, I have your snack-attack covered!
No kidding. Just getting started on muh Mass Effect 1 write-up
Their problem lies in the fact that they took to the forums to straighten out the situation. What they should have done is, instead, update their game's store page, before the game even launched, to reflect the fact that this could become an episodic title, which would finish, or even continue, the story.
Please! I have accepted that Mass Effect 2 was naught but filler, and that should be considered a slap in the face, but I still cannot help but love it regardless.
Well, I cancelled and ended up getting the Killzone bundle instead. No harm, no foul. But I really wanted Watch Dogs
Well done. Just needed to make sure.
The more better what? More views with less discussion, or less views with more discussion? Because, at this rate, I don't think its about you getting people to talk, it's about more views.