General McFist

"Eye of Thundara give me sight, into this crime scene, beyond sight!"

Well let's hope that this goes better than the FEAR 3/John Carpenter mess

Looks like the barbell fuck really makes them wet. Ha cha cha cha cha.

...And legal, to an extent. A way to run the clock down, as they are purposely taking the safety. Holding calls don't matter at that point, as SF would have to decline them, or else Baltimore would do it again.

Don't you lie to me, Owen! Don't you get my hopes up!

Yes. The thick, purple line.

As were we both. I have a journalism degree, as well. Has not proven beneficial. But I am a rebel!

A journalism degree!? All credibility has been lost!

Well, at least now we know who is letting the dogs out! Haha! Hahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA — *hangs self mid-laugh*

Don't photoshop him smoking a joint, or else I start up a #Cut4Schreier trend on Twitter

God, isn't that game just great? I really do need to spend more time playing it, but now I have to play FFXII and Lost Odyssey. Gah!

If their answer is COD I will headbutt a sidewalk until I forget how to live

Correction: In Transition Mrs. Pac-Man

Allow me to call bullshit on your claim.

I only watched but a few moments of the video above and suddenly realized that you sound absolutely nothing like Gabriel Tosh. How long did it take you to perfect/prepare that voice?

See, I played it as I would play GRAW, I suppose. The commanding officer on the ground, in the thick of it, with his troops, giving commands to them via my helmet's HUD.

I'm a fool for thinking she's a little too emotional/over-dramatic over seeing herself in a game that she made?

I have! I even sent a little tweet Kirk's and Patricia's way about the 'great' article of Patricia's that Kirk mentioned.

I could not care any less about the person I am playing, as long as the story is good. If the story revolves around a white guy, then so be it. A black man? Ok. Asian? No problem.