
At this rate, Nintendo will be out of the hardware business before Sega #nintendont

Can anyone else smell the desperation here? Expect Zynga to continue its downward spiral once it's hit with even more talent drain.

Before I can even begin to care about this game, I need confirmation that we can LEAVE "at least one city or other location in Orlais." I don't play video games to get stuck with odd jobs in the same damn city all day - that game is called life.

Love Obsidian as a developer and hope they're successful; I myself will contribute to the Kickstarter only if they abandon the isometric view. It made sense back when that was the only way to make a game look pretty, but in this day and age I would find it tough to get immersed in an isometric game.

I don't really know any women who DON'T get off on tiny Italians humping their feet

We can droid...

The iPhone of today is the Android of 6 months ago. Real friends wouldn't make you downgrade your tech just to play online with them.

Prepare to be flamed in broken English by about 10,000 commenters

I tried to loan my Wii to about 8 different friends, because I felt guilty about leaving it alone all day, but they would just do the same thing, and I'd get a phone call like "Hey, this thing is just sitting in a bag in our TV console you should come take it back." So I took it back and it's sitting in a bag

I'm sure by next year Deadspin will be 24/7 WNBA coverage and nothing but because they are TIRED OF GLORIFYING THE OPPRESSORS

Does this mean I have to stop blaming my athletic underperformance on JRPG's? Because that was a nice excuse to have.

The irony of all this is that EA, at least in past years, has been a behind-the-scenes marketing and distribution arm of a loose federation of studios rather than the top-down "my way or the highway" destroyer of once-cherished brands that is Activision. EA's strategy seems to be to acquire successful studios and

I never said gender inequality was "false," whatever that means. You put those words in my mouth even though I never wanted them there. Just so we're clear, that's like rape with words.

Haha, exactly. You start out rolling your eyes and by the end of the article you just want to send the victim an email that says "I SINCERELY RESPECT YOU AS A PROFESSIONAL" every day for the rest of her life.

You would understand if you weren't a privileged white male. These nuanced matters are naturally beyond your self-absorbed intellectual horizon as an oppressor.

It's almost without doubt that Kotaku Core was created to keep most of Kotaku's original following away from the more, erm..."sensitive" folks who tend to frequent Gawker's other sites. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, given how aggressive and tactless Kotaku has been in going after their own readers'

It's not a good sign for Kotaku that, on first glance of this article, I assumed it was more of their gender crusader bullshit. It says volumes about what the site has done with its credibility in the past year.

Who keeps buying these games?! Also, please stop.

If any of you don't like this game anymore, it probably means something died inside you.

I would purchase an app that allows you to control one of these drones