
Forget FFVII. Many NES games retailed for $60 in the US in 1986. That’s over $150 in today’s money.

Gamers: So tired of developers nickle and diming me with DLC, add-ons, and freemium models.  Just let me buy the game!

This is the most Google thing that’s ever happened. Half-ass it then pull the plug at the first sign of adversity whatsoever.

“Fail up”

Went with the safe option naming After Years as the worst, but XII as the best??? Contrarianism has reached a new peak with this very cold take.

FFXII had a plot???

Agreed. I’m 32, and a lot of people my age had been introduced to Final Fantasy with VII and VIII, rather than in the Super Nintendo era.  So they expected Final Fantasy to be an edgy Sci Fi with dialogue consisting of 80% ellipses.

Same, re: GameFAQs.  Square unintentionally directed me to the ruin of their paper guide business model by sending me online.  I could go to their stupid website and navigate to the part I wanted, or I could just Google my question and have a better website pop up...

I don’t mean to be insensitive, but if you’re going to threaten to murder Square Enix staff you could’ve at least gotten an update on the FFVII remake.

Live from EA’s Boardroom:

Live from EA’s boardroom:

There is a time travel joke here somewhere

Well, if we can figure out who faked this we finally have a replacement for Kojima to make Silent Hills.

That’s weird - so the character we know as “Vega” was originally “Balrog” even though you fight him (her?) in Spain? Vega certainly sounds more Spanish than Balrog to me.

Any game that limits the amount of inventory I can carry, forcing me to go back and forth between towns and decide which of the cool things I want to offload.

How can it feature iconic moments if it’s a completely original story?

There’s a difference between “tribute” and “appropriation.” Trailer seems to borrow (to put it nicely) a lot of imagery from Silent Hill, right down to the mannequin limbs and the bottle sitting on the table (which honestly may have been copy pasted straight from the Cafe scene.)

This is probably way off base, but since I am in fact “Gaston” I feel obligated to highlight the tenuous connection of Square Enix and Disney through Kingdom Hearts, and the less tenuous connection between Grande and Disney.

Is the answer that we should just have countries host the Olympics instead of cities? I hope that’s the answer.