
Gawker recently removed paragraph functionality. I'm not sure why; seems like they want to cut things down to one-sentence zingers maybe, so if it doesn't change I'll have to find somewhere else to post. I'll say up front I only played the original Mass Effect and don't remember it really at all (it's story was

A good overall story arc is definitely a good thing, but it's not a priority to me. Plenty of games pepper thin, generic storylines with interesting characters, interesting side quests, interesting smaller story arcs, or compelling environments to achieve a very compelling overall product. The Elder Scrolls are a

That's a good way of putting it, though a bit harsher than my own take

Tell that to the title of this article

Dragon Age had a severely underrated story for some reason. I mean, the story arc itself was pretty much LOTR fodder, but the characters and choices presented were, in my opinion, as compelling as KOTOR's and certainly more compelling than Mass Effect's. This departure seems unfortunate, but who knows what his

Have you played KOTOR? If you have, to each his own. But KOTOR's story is like Mass Effect except your choices implicate ethical conundrums with galactic consequences, instead of who you're going to bone tonight.

"Actually, given that the 3DS is already almost a year old, It'd be a 5 year cycle for Sony but a 6 year one for Nintendo."

I honestly can't tell if this kid is nuts or comic genius

If Nintendo breaks another portable 5 years from the 3DS, and Sony breaks one a year later, that would mean a 5 year life cycle. If Sony waits 2 years (dubious!), it would be a six year life cycle. There is no way Sony is going to wait 3 years after Nintendo releases its next console before it comes out with a new

I'm sure Chrysler would be willing to entertain offers to sell the Durango brand. Hell they'd probably pay someone to take it these days, along with the worst slogan in the world, "Imported from Detroit."

Please try to avoid comparing the American tech industry to the American auto industry it does not bode well for the future

Good Lord, it's a good thing this industry is competitive or Sony would be aiming for an average console cycle of approximately 70 years. Every time they release a console, they promise "this time, it's going to last FOREVER." Apparently they haven't noticed the pattern where their plans to continue to milk money

Prisoner's dilemma, tragedy of the commons, we are all fucked and doomed

I suppose this encourages developers to address all the major issues with their games at once, but it certainly doesn't give them any incentive to create the best playing experience on a console.

In before feminist Hideo Kojima.

I'm seeing a lot of disagreement with the review in the comments, though I doubt anyone has actually played it. It does bring up the age-old question of whether you're reviewing a game as just a game, or as a game, in X genre, Y price point, on Z console, and advertised in this or that manner.

Someone should man up and buy THQ. EA or Activision could afford it at this point just by shaking the spare change out of company pockets.

Where are all the games for South Australian transgender stamp collecting enthusiasts?

Can anyone imagine what the entire game industry being replaced by free-to-play would look like?