
I think this has only intensified the emptiness that I feel in the hopeless wait for a third Chrono game

Don't hate, emulate

I've always why Marcus Fenix, despite his impeccably groomed facial hair, never had any razor burn

lol what? We just got done with the part where you recognized that I didn't make any substantive statements at all except that football isn't a niche sport, and immediately you go around telling everyone else that I was trying to force you to say soccer?

I was hoping to come off as a guy who made an innocuous joke, and from my perspective you're coming off as a guy who won't let it go.

My point is that the sport has mass appeal in the United States, as much mass appeal as soccer in any other country, so arguing that the United States shouldn't call it football because it's a niche sport is ludicrous. It's far more popular in the United States than soccer. Hell, we could call it "Obama" if we

Seriously, people can call it whatever they want, but if they're going to respond to a joke on Kotaku with YOU CAN'T CALL IT THAT, STUPID AMERICAN, they are most definitely pretentious douchebags.

Javelin throwing is a "niche" sport. It has global significance but to very small segments of nearly all populations. That's what constitutes a niche - a small cult following despite little traction in the overall population.

We're arguing because I'm fighting a futile battle where I respond to every knee-jerk reaction to something I post innocuously with tenfold aggression. But there are too many trolls for the deterrent effect to ever make a meaningful difference.


Pretty sure calling a sport watched by a substantial portion of the population of a country with 300 million people a "niche sport" is pretty pretentious too.

All four of them

Did you add in Canada?

Using the word "football" in this way on a website with primarily American readership on the day after the Super Bowl is misleading

I'll take the over

I want to second what Majornougat said; scorpiafilms' photoshop had a pretty innocent sense of humor and was pretty funny, and he even took his move to the cornfield like a champ saying politely that he didn't mind.


What's the over/under on the number of photoshops that take advantage of Drew Brees' awkward hand position for an oral sex joke?

You JUST said I sounded bitter? Yeah, let's just gloss over the part where you said "You gotta be pretty stuck up" based on my opinion about a video game, because clearly I was the one who was being unreasonable.

Equal is one thing, but I'm more concerned about accuracy.