
Oh, well look at you. "I'm an adult because I cut against the grain. I realize that everyone else in the world is beneath me! Those idiots." Cute. Like watching a baby take its first steps.

There was nothing wrong with Homefront; the single player fell a little bit flat emotionally, at least compared to its potential, but other than that the game is every bit as good as any Call of Duty (the multiplayer is fun, provided you can stomach vehicle combat). It's not difficult to make an FPS. It is difficult

"Xbox has effectively positioned itself to lead the way forward."

Why 8 minute quarters?

This is the problem with online conversations. On occasion, I have an intelligent conversation with a fellow adult.

Again, the emptiness isn't a matter of content, it's a matter of atmosphere and immersion, or lack thereof.

Is the hardware so bad that they literally cannot create some software that would help them recoup some of their investment? You would have thought they would have at least sold off the rest of their inventory before they announced the uDraw was dead, and killed any tiny glimmers of interest in it.

I've never been much a fan of button mashers to begin with, but this one was a button masher in the most literal sense. I'm sure the RPG elements add depth to combat as you get further into the game but I was too dissatisfied with the base combat to get that far.

What the fuck, guy? I explained exactly why I disliked it, none of which is arbitrary. It seems arbitrary to you because apparently you've developed a fanboy mentality before the game has even released.

Knew it

Is the Chocobo named after Owen Good?

You could have (and should have) gathered most of the storyline content from THQ's promotional materials, which makes me wonder why you chose to even buy the game in the first place. I actually thought the storyline was a strength of the game, although I later found out that they outsourced the pseudo-realistic

Bland and overrated combat system, uninspiring graphic design (contrary to my expectations), meaningless quests and characters, felt like I was playing Torchlight, only less enjoyable.

I got too much reckoning in about 5 minutes

The content of this article seems to be the exact opposite of what its title suggests - am I going crazy here?

I'm sorry, ridiculous? Did I read that correctly? Ridiculous not to buy a game that is over a year old for $30, that was hyped to Hell only to get a lukewarm reception from critics and an even worse one from gamers?

Homefront was a provocative premise and the execution wasn't nearly as bad as most critics or people who haven't played it would like to tell you. It did suffer from THQ's rather idiotic strategy of promoting it as a Call of Duty killer, which is pretty much guaranteed to disappoint critics when your developer hasn't

Too little too late; would maybe buy this in a $5 sale, provided MS is willing to put it on Steam.

How much of it went to non-descript consulting fees for Gingrich?

I'm still trying to figure out why they even mentioned this in their earnings call. At the very least let the thing die on its own, rather than actively killing it.