
*reads article*
*reads article again*
Still not getting it.
*Decides to just look at pictures*
Oh hey! A kitty!
These are good pictures.

We can only hope that the Sith in the new film will also dress like Poochie.

Conspiracy theories over this? Really?

In this show he's a very straight action adventure hero. I feel like this show was not panned enough.

Poor Robin...

Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein. Imitations are SO common that people think copies are ripping off copies *coughStarCraftandWarhammer40kcough*

IS there really any competition?

Charlton Heston blows up the Death Star at the end.

Yeah, they've been cruel on leaving everyone wonder about Constantine's future. I really like the show and I like where it's headed. If the haters would chill out a little and give it some time maybe there would be more voices asking to save it. Hell, look at all the butt-hurt last year over Agents of SHIELD (which

The most expensive photo ever taken is "Self Portrait of Buzz Aldrin."

To Serve Man. A great book.

Why do we need drone-carriers to fight against multiple insurgencies utilizing asymmetric guerrilla warfare tactics, who by and large don't have airplanes or *radar*? Or *tanks* in large numbers? We're fighting against a lightly armed insurgency...why do we need *that* much tankbuster capability? What we *need* is

my boy wanted to go as Agent Coulson from SHIELD, replete with plastic bottle jetpack with tissue paper exhaust

My little Shaun of the Dead.

If they put Marvin and Wendy and Wonder Dog in Judge Dredd that would be AMAZAEBALLS.

No mention of this little gem from the 1950's? It came with actual radioactive material.

Correction: "All these cars look like they're straight out of Mad Max and Death Race"

Looks more like Mad Max, or should I say The Road Warrior