
This is the movie that made me defy my moral justification of seeing Tom Cruise in anything. I was actually really conflicted about it. In the end though I'm glad I did, It was fantastic. I just have such a difficult time supporting anything Cruise supports because it indirectly supports the CoS.

I wish I liked this movie. But lordy, it was pretty rote. The humor of him screwing up occasionally was indeed the best stuff, but there wasn't all that much of it overall.

Now playing

This is horrible. I see you Franco and I raise:

This is something that high school kids would create and show their friends, thinking they're all really funny and clever because look at all the stupid costumes they're wearing!

Disney has never changed, its you that changed

Wow. So a drunken pussy hound was a little lax in his professional life? I'm quite surprised.

0. Most revolutions fail.

I loved the everlasting shit out of this movie, and it deserves more love than it's getting right now. And that diva scene was something I had never seen in a sci-fi action movie before. It was, in a word, sublime.

You would have to be a total snore to not enjoy The Fifth Element. Its awesome.

If it stops working, they have to oil up and crawl around in the Jefferies tubes.

Yeah, that's what I came here to say. Far better than Spaceballs.

Yeah, huge oversight. One of the best dark, deadpan science fiction comedies ever!

Naturally, you corrected the glaring ommission of Buckaroo and thank you for that, Doctor.

Formatting multiple pictures and text on Kinja really sucks.

No Dark Star? Really?

Done in one, cause that was all they needed.

Hate to break it to this guy, but despite what Ferran Adria would have you believe, cooking is not a science.