
"All those... moments... will be lost in time, like... tears... in... rain. Time... to die..."

In a particular campaign, my fellow adventurers and I battled and defeated a big ogre that had been terrorizing a town. Our barbarian cut off its penis, our cleric cast some anti-rotting ritual on the penis, and as a warlock I cast a fear-inducing spell on it. It then became our weapon of choice in negotiations with

Please do not put Tom Cruise in Star Wars. Please please please please please please please please please please please please please...

all the way around. This movie is bad it put its rules and then break them. Na the only good thing in the movie is the sounds Tom Cruise make when he dies.


ce n'est pas le Faucon Millenium

I think I'd go with Woola.

1) Explosions

Puppies and superheroes? Been there, done that...

Outstanding artist. Hopefully I'll get a chance to see his gallery one day. Iconic and arguably the most memorable movie monster.

The first design was far superior.

Snyder screws up, yet again.

Huh. So if I understand Hollywood at all, this means that Star Wars, Harry Potter, Flash Gordon and the Lord of the Rings all take place in the same universe. Can't wait to see what Darth Vader's horcruxes were, and the inevitable fight between Boromir and the Hawkmen.

Your dryer creates a spinning wormhole, through which your socks vanish. They travel through hyperspace, to reappear as wire coat hangers, which multiply without cause in you closet. Go check it out.

In space, no one can hear you Multipass.

Batman: The Animated Series was a kids show. Earth's Mightiest Hero's was a kid's show.

Very much the tail wagging the dog. If Burroughs had invented a religion- that would have been interesting. But he spent a decade on Hubbard? That's just a waste.

But where is Matt Smith's hair?

I think it's silly because again, we can visually watch a guy tear someone's throat out with his teeth, but if someone says "fuck" it's the goddamn end of the world.

It was never a fair fight between fundamentalist Christianity and D&D. One was a dangerous system full of dark mysticism and threats to warp a young mind beyond repair, and the other was a tabletop RPG.