
Suicide Squad? SUICIDE SQUAD?! The. Dirty. Dozen.

the cost of living has risen since then, and it’s safe to conclude that salaries have risen along with it.

I like the show as well (by the way, linking to a single negative review on your own site isn’t exactly conclusive proof that the show is objectively “terrible”). Unfortunately, the Muppets are one of those things that fans feel very proprietary about, and so no one’s going to be very happy with any new version. Even

Anybody who doesn’t laugh at Swedish Chef Karaoke is dead inside.

I liked it. I can’t understand why io9 hates it so much.

I’d happily watch more of this stuff. It’s a shame they cut this scene. A bit of lightheartedness could’ve gone a long way in places.

Pan’s Labyrinth.

my god it’s full of barnacles

Satire is fortunately protected

This is not something we should believe, but it’s something we should worry about. Pegg is right that movies like Star Wars (and Jaws and Indie) were important during the 1970s-80s transition from movies with downtown premieres to the suburban multiplex. Sure, you can’t blame a single film for the shift toward

They eventually would, but they’d go through a few humans before they got it.

Ringworld. Long overdue for a movie, or miniseries.

And Coulson had helped him set up the program. Coulson is like Fury’s paranoid planning and ruthlessness plus Captain America’s moral code rolled up into one agent.

I forget... with lions are you supposed to keep still and maintain eye contact, play dead, yell and make yourself seem as big as possible, or baste yourself in roast beef jus and wait to be eaten?

Miskatonic University is a perfectly safe place to get an educatiold dsa fd fffffl Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn—

No, this:

Truly, she is a monster...wait, what were we talking about?

Does this count?

Christmas Jones.

So another "White people go to non-white culture land and save the day, probably by either assimilating into the non-white culture and then out-non-white-culturing the non-white people, or by assimilating the good non-white people into their white culture after demonstrating advantages their white culture has over the