
Just to be clear this is just the RPG Shadowrun turned into a movie. As movies go I thought it was meh, but then playing the game with my friends years ago were far more epic adventures.

My problem with the show is that every character is an A%%hole and that makes it hard to identify with any of them. I’m hoping the walkers come and take the lot of them.

Nope. Lame. Nada. No can do. Stop letting 6 year old kids write movies.

Trust in Whedon!

Or the more reasonable explanation. It's the shadow being cast by the step behind him and his hand is in the air like everyone else near him waiving at the president, but then I find conspiracy theorist generally not very reasonable.

Oooo and maybe they can have them all wear quasi bondage and s and m outfits and maybe hit up some clubs where the cool kids hang out!

It's pronounced "Big Boo-tay".

New York sunk an entire subway fleet to make off shore artificial reefs. Soooooo, subway car reefs good, wind generator reefs bad.

Worm sign!

That's hot!

I prefer the Voight-Kampff test myself.

After catching up with this series, I'm rooting for the grounders.

Who farted? I swear it wasn't me!

Wait! What happened to Kevin Sorbo?

I've been working on The Bomb Chair. Pictured is a scale model of the reaction chamber that you would sit in.

Zack Snyder is no Terry Gilliam. While I liked Snyder's Watchmen I did not LOVE it and I find most of the rest of his work mediocre, at best. Where Gilliam's films I think are brilliant. So without the two final products to compare, you can't really compare them.

Actually it should read, "find a market for his poetry and knives and has a bunch of sex. This one guy"

The door was open, infinite worlds...

I very much doubt it is for branding hands at all. most of the spikes along the finger would miss entirely and only hit the knuckles and back of the hand. More likely it's for perforating leather for making gloves in a press. The pinkish stains are not blood unless it's fresh, 200 year old stains would be a deep dark