I think I bought the horse armor. Sorry, I take some of the blame. Since then, I’ve seen the error of my ways and have tried to redeem myself by not purchasing the MK Halloween fatality or Halo MKV skin.
I think I bought the horse armor. Sorry, I take some of the blame. Since then, I’ve seen the error of my ways and have tried to redeem myself by not purchasing the MK Halloween fatality or Halo MKV skin.
I love Spider-Man. He’s my favorite fictional character. I have all assortment of collectables and even a tattoo of the guy. So it pains me to say that he hasn’t had a good comics run in maybe 20 years (Superior Spider-Man was fun, but it wasn’t Peter). Yet somehow, this whole run has been some of the absolute worst…
To be fair with your last example, Wally had been The Flash for a while in the comics by the time The Flash TV show came out. And in that era death lasted longer and the comics weren’t tied in to other media. (And also Wally was a better character than Barry anyway)
...that doesn’t really make it any better.
I find the whole “you can’t (temporarily) kill a character off during a specially nominated month” really kind of reaching for complaining.
Oh hey, let’s take that really popular character who’s just breaking through to the mainstream with a fairly well received series and soon to be major film and fucking kill her.
It’s a sound thought — certainly the leading theory, going by the comments here and on other boards. But I also agree with the consensus that it would be a pretty unnecessary stunt for the sake of “synergy.”
This seems the most likely scenario, doesn’t it? “What?! The killed Kamala?!” Now people are talking about Kamala. Interest in Ms. Marvel is up... just in time for a new movie with Kamala coming out? And, surprise, there’s a new Ms. Marvel comic coming out. Let’s all support Kamala Khan and buy these new comic!
For sure! Because Krakoa has already been resurrecting non-mutants, and it hasn't done that. Miles Morales (a Spider-Man) has alr already been around when Kamala Khan died and brought her back. So this is just a pointless rehash. SHE WORKS IN THE FUCKING LAB. A spilled serum, or a mechanical discharge, or some kind of…
Kamala Khan was interesting but ok ish character for me until i saw her interacting with aging Wolverine. That interaction and generational gap friendship is so sweet and very well delivered in that one comic issue.
If she’s so unpopular, what impact does killing her off in a Spider-Man book have?
I would be shocked if Kamala isn’t back, with mutant powers and a fresh #1 just in time for The Marvels. Good guess they’ll try to fold her into the Krakoa stuff to mixed effect.
I’ll add, too, that even if there’s some twist, where she’s a time or reality-displaced version, or she’s immediately resurrected, or there’s some kind of twist, it’s still cheap, hacky writing.
Except they don’t need the X-gene to do the revival process. They resurrected Scarlet Witch, and during a recent event they were resurrecting a number of other non-mutant Avengers, so while they COULD discover that she has an X-gene instead of bring Inhuman, this is still absolutely the dumbest way to go about it.
As a MASSIVE fan of Spider-Man who has given past story arcs, runs, characters etc. far more grace and appreciation than some of them deserved, Wells’ run is one of the worst I’ve ever read. Nick Spencer spent his entire run gradually undoing both One More Day and Sins Past only for Wells to IMMEDIATELY unravel that…
But seriously, killing off Kamala Khan in someone else’s comic? I’m under no illusion death is permanent in superhero comics, but there is such a thing as well-written and earned death moments for heroes.
Yep, specifically mentioned in this article that mutants have learned to cheat death.. I don’t think it’s hard to imagine that this is building towards a reveal that she is actual a mutant and can be revived via the X-Gene.
Well given Marvel’s track record here...The safe bet is that this is going to be a poorly written trash fire.
Tin foil hat time since I haven’t been current since the end of Superior Spider-Man, but now that mutants are back at the Marvel House of Mouse, I wonder if Kamala will be reborn but with mutant dna instead of inhuman when she does return… if she’s even dead to begin with.