
“Hey, this burger is missing some of the ingredients... Like the pickles and the lettuce and the top-half of the bun...”
“Here, have a marshmallow.”
“That’s great and all... but I’d like my finished burger.”
“How can you complain about a FREE marshmallow?!”

Woo hoo.

We do what we must because we can.


I’m not entirely sure that’s true. Whatever happened to the planned VR DLC? Pretty sure that got scrapped entirely.

I was at least waiting on all the planned and announced story patches to flesh out characters and story beats that players were critical of.

I think I’ll stick with FFXIV for that then.

That seems... counter-productive to those of us waiting for them to patch in the story content they announced they were adding to flesh out the narrative.

On a scale of Tonberry-to-Chocolina, how weird of a creature is it?

Wait... there’s a time-sensitive quest in the offline, single-player Final Fantasy game I have sitting on my shelf?

It was a typo. They meant Gods of Self-Destruction. See also: Chiaotzu.

Well, either that or as an apology...

Agreed. It won’t win any awards in the graphics department, but the actual gameplay is sublime.

Not that one. The new one that was announced.

Low bar to clear, but true. King of Fighters is pretty good though.

Well, I’m glad we got such other great exclusives as Ryse, Recore, and Quantum Break.

To be fair, I’m looking forward to it too, but I didn’t really like Crackdown 2 and Crackdown 1 was ages ago.

Thankfully, Xbox does have plenty of actual exclusives coming out, like Fable Lege... wait, no, that got cancelled.
Phantom Dus.... no, that got cancelled too.
Scalebou.... sorry, that died as well.

I agree with you in principle, if not entirely in execution.