That... makes no sense whatsoever. A majority of all wars, including the Revolutionary War, were instigated by political violence.
That... makes no sense whatsoever. A majority of all wars, including the Revolutionary War, were instigated by political violence.
You’re not defending the Confederacy... but the KKK, white supremacists, and Neo-Nazis are.
By 1778, many states, including Virginia, granted freedom to slaves who served in the Revolutionary War.
A boy asked his grandpa if it was okay to punch Nazis.
A tip: if you’re defending Nazis, you’re on the wrong side of the argument.
My grandparents bled fighting Nazis.
Pretty sure it wasn’t random. He knew who he was hitting.
But none of them turned on their nation, killed their fellow Americans, or launched a war against their countrymen to ensure they could keep owning people.
Their hypocrisy aside, the Founding Fathers waged war for the right to liberty and freedom.
So... is No Man’s Sky worth playing yet? I sort of lost interested after the initial and long-driven backlash against broken promises and disappointing gameplay.
I was just trying to decide what my next Gundam kit should be... Debating between a Master Grade Tallgeese, Shinanju, Hyaku-Shiki, or the humble Z’Gok.
It is the duty and responsibility of anyone belonging to the human race to stand up for the weak and oppressed against any tide of bigotry and hatred.
I’m NOT an American “first”.
If we hold all Muslim people accountable for the terrorist actions of a few, or all members of Black Lives Matter accountable for actions of a couple of radicals, we of course are going to hold white people to the same standards because of this white guy’s act of domestic terrorism, right?
And as a Christian I apologize for such butchered theology. It’s not at all what our Bible teaches.
Whine less and do something to counter this then.
At least we have two Metroid games on the horizon that look to have learned the right lessons.
I never truly knew how bad systemic racism was until I moved away from my small rural town in Oklahoma that was a deafening bubble of white people thinking and believing the same thing, scared to death of change or anything different.