If you look at this one way - Sad frowny faces.
If you look at this one way - Sad frowny faces.
he’s like an alien from another planet.
Dan Connor <3
Wasn’t there a study recently that suggested running 35+ miles a week is where you start having some of the same health issues as people who don’t exercise? Granted, like, 35+ miles a week habitually, as in, consistently for a number of years. So, like, half true?
Push-ups and 30 minute runs each day is all most people need to stay healthy. The side effects mentioned in this article are from several miles of running at a time.
It's called taper tantrums. You're hyper aware of every little niggle you feel in your legs and fee, and every bad run makes you think you're unprepared.
You’ll have good and bad days, and sometimes you can’t tell what it’s going to be until you’re there. I can run a fantastic 10-miler one day and feel great, and then a week later I sometimes can’t even finish 2 miles without walking. It just varies.
I tried running a half dozen times in my life, for about 3-4 months each time. I could never crack the “I’m enjoying this” barrier.
YES. It is a real thing. Don’t stress about it.
I admire distance runners... and this post just reinforced even more strongly my decision to cap my distance running at the half-marathon mark (perhaps that’s “distance” running to you). I took up running when I was 40 and ran my first half at 41. My thinking on it has always been this: “Yay me. 13 miles isn’t bad for…
I can’t speak to the PMS thing, but we all have our good weeks and bad ones. Good luck with your half! It’s going to be a total blast. I’m doing one next Sunday so I am officially on taper week! Yes!
For me the weirdest thing I had to get over was how bad my muscles would seize up if I stopped for a minute or even walked for a bit. If I’m running any distance at all I can’t take a break or I’m done.
I am a cautionary tale for why having your own money is a good idea.
When my ex and I started out we were both equally poor. I was a student, he was working retail, and we pooled our resources into a joint account and scraped by as best we could.
Anyone else wish they could watch this whole thing go down behind the scenes West Wing style?
HAHAHA! oh no my water...
It was so uncomfortable and she came off as particularly obnoxious. I’ve seen comments today on the NPR site saying the interviewer didn’t know how to handle a strong woman and he softballed the questions and asked what she specifically didn’t want to talk about......no. He asked the usual book promotion type…
Seriously. I’m looking at him thinking, he’s in decent shape and for a flaccid dick it’s not small. I don’t know, man.
I don’t know how I feel about this. Bridget Jones’ Diary is an all-time favorite of mine, and to me it should just stand on its own.*