
A man in a uniform always makes my mouth water and by mouth I mean my privates.

I fucking love me a sexy ginger man.

Can we talk about J.Lo for a moment? I know nobody cares about my stupid boner (deservedly so), but man oh man she just keeps getting more gorgeous. I always hear outrageous stuff that she slathers herself in creams that cost $10,000 an ounce that are made from angel farts and unicorn tears and I get annoyed, then I

It seems like everyone dates him. But I’m not sure if he’s breaking up with them or if they’re breaking up with him. He seems nice, maybe he has issues or is a jerk. I just like to think of him as his character in Zach and Miri Make a Porno, I wish he was like that in real life.

I too sm on the hunt for a holy grail primer. Right now I’m using the Lorac Mattifying Primer. It’s ok not throwing my blotting papers away just yet. I’m going to try the Becca Matte & Poreless primer (i think thats the name) in a couple weeks because I hear that it works so well. I think my skin responds better to

I get out the shower and immediately put on my acne med. Then i dry off, put on my undies, and lotion up. I then put on my eye cream and face lotion then get dressed. Then i put on my primer. I then do my eybrows because they are the longest part of my actual makeup routine (about 5 - 7.min) then after I’m ready to

Why? Because our lives are mundane drudgery and all of us want something, no matter how brief and stupid, that is magical and special to happen to us. No one gets an owl at age 11, no one follows a white rabbit down a hole. We sustain ourselves with fictions because reality is mostly an awful, cold place where you

I only realised about a month ago that Miles Teller and Ansel Elgort were not the same guy. Never occurred to me that they have different names and faces. Every time I saw a picture/movie/article with either of them in it I wanted to punch something because it’s ‘that guy I hate’.

He’s definitely runner up.

But like, what kind of athlete would you want to be married to or girlfriend of? I am going hockey player, because DUH.

Now playing

I love how damn talented he is. There are so many pretty boy actors out there who bore me to death. I could not give a flip if I watch or miss any of their movies. But Hardy? I am there. He is just so entertaining to watch. Take for example the movie, Locke. The entire movie is just him on the highway, driving to a

Tom Hardy: apparently good partner to his special lady friend, loves dogs, a prime physical specimen of a man, decent actor in films I like, and a scruffy beard. I don’t have enough water in my body for this.

Tom Hardy awakens every primal, animalistic urge inside of me.

I’m just going to scroll up and down and up and down all afternoon picking out my favorite.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, he’s pretty. Blah, blah, blah. What sold me on him was that voice. Oh, my God, his voice does things to me. I watch interviews with him just to hear that voice. It’s utterly amazing and sexy.

Looking for awful pictures of Tom Hardy is one of my favorite online activities so enjoy this treasure from 1998. :)

I would like to use this as an opportunity to promote Peaky Blinders on Netflix because it is awesome as fuck. Hardy plays a the head of London’s early 20th century Jewish gangs. I am giddy with excitement every time he is on the screen because he rocks the shit out of the role.

Though I was saddened not to see a shoutout to good ol’ South King County this year.