
Also take a pad to put on immediately after incase the hormone induced bleeding starts quickly.

I am getting a TUMOR removed next month because I now have coverage.

I’m getting one sooooooooooooooooon!!!!!!!! once I pay out of pocket for my uterine fibroid tumor removal. :(

If you’re prone to anxiety, ask for Valium. I had to go 2 rounds with my Skyla and painkillers did nothing for me the first time.

Same for when I got the implant two weeks ago. Expected to leave $300 shorter and didn’t!

Take ibuprofen before you go in. Insertion is quite unpleasant but once you get through it, the iud is amahhhhzing

I just had my second ParaGard IUD placed today. Also 100% covered.

When Obamacare (and its medicaid expansion) went live, I got insurance coverage for the first time in 6 years. Turns out I had all kinds of shit wrong with me and I never would have known. I guess what I’m trying to say is that Obama literally saved my life.

What are we going to do with all that extra SPENDING POWER?!

Jeez, guys, it’s like, slightly less expensive to be a woman, now!!

I don’t know. We re-watched Earth Girls are Easy last night and he's been quite fetching from the beginning.

i want to go to there. please tell me how?

Don't care, will watch.

I think I’m using this term correctly: Awesome Antonio is thirsty. Dude wants to be in a movie like nobody’s business.

I have just seen this movie, by myself, at the morning showing. I’ll never get anything done today.

You know when you pop a pimple and first the pus comes out and then it just leaks that clear fluid? I’m 100% convinced that those two things are the only ingredients in this drink.

What in the everloving fuck is this? Where are the good dances? Those are not dances. These are dances. I will take way more of the voguing though. That can stay.

That Jurassic Park theme YouTube video will never stop making me laugh.

This reminds me of when I a website like Gilt or Hautelook with prices slashed - sometimes I’ll google whatever it is that I’m interested in and can usually find it cheaper somewhere else or it will end up never having cost as much as first listed.

Gina gives zero fucks about your opinion.