
But what about this guy?

Obligatory Tom Hardy Gif Party:

Cannot wait for its return!

It was a helluva lot of fun! I witnessed no puking in bushes or piss/shit-stained pants and was groped by no one. There was definitely some great people-watching and Jason Aldean was excellent live. I can take or leave Kenny Chesney.

Well, that wasn’t exactly my situation. I was on my period and it was our first time hooking up, so I told him we could only stay above the clothes. After about 30 minutes of intense action my exact words ended up being “I don’t care if you don’t.” And he sure didn’t. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised.

This happened to me. Dry humping leads to the real deal fairly quickly. I was like “fuck it, let’s do this!”

That is my favorite cat video of ALL TIME.

FKA Twigs is the love of my life.

He’s playing here this Saturday night - he’s a busy dude! Have a good time!

No, Bumbershoot! Seattle.

I only initially heard of The Weeknd because of that 50 Shades of Grey song (which I admittedly like), but recently on Pandora some of his older stuff started popping up on one of my stations and HOLEEEEE SHYIT it’s good. I’m seeing him live in a couple of weeks and I really hope I get to hear some of it.

No, but your original statement didn’t differentiate between a tattoo containing those words and a tattoo that doesn’t. Your original statement was that tattoos in general will keep a person from having a good job.

This is absolute bullshit. I just got a HUGE FUCKING tat on my back/up the back of my neck, and I work in politics. Everyone loves it.

Seriously with the fingering! It’s a delicate canal, dude, quit with the sharp stabbing of the fingers.

Two months ago I barfed on a dick. Not chunky barf, but watery and it only lasted for a second. Definitely a pukey aftertaste. Guy did not care.

I’m 33 and only recently realized I’m too old to continue pretending to care about and do things I think I “should” be caring about/doing, and instead I’m going to give two middle fingers to anything that doesn’t bring me joy. Life is too short.

Tito’s is magic.

She’s insanely attractive, has great style, and just has this inherent coolness about her. I get it.

Ugh, or when they type “ah” instead of “aw.” It makes me irrationally angry every time.