
I originally said something snappy, and now I feel bad. You seem to be very offended by people disagreeing with you, and that's up to you, but that doesn't mean anyone is trying to tell you how to live your life, or even how to comment on a site.

"Believe me, the parent of the tantruming child is having a worse day than you are."

How do you know? People without kids get, for example, migraines. That's fun to deal with when there's a screaming child in the room. They also have stressful days. They get sick, they have trouble at work, they have all kinds of shit to deal with too. Parents do not have a monopoly on shitty days, and if you have

My main take from your comment is that someone was stupid enough to have a business meeting in a kids' restaurant. I went on a date to Pizza Hut once. ONCE. Never again. If it's got a kids menu or ball pit or wee playpark-thingy, you don't expect quiet. And children get wound up in those places anyhow because even if

What the fuck, who just touches another person's hair like that?! Ugh, I am so sorry that happened to you. That's disgusting. And you are right about the silent harassment. At least if someone's shouting they're kind of making a scene, you feel like other people would notice it. When they decide to follow you or

I tried not to and then I read them all and now I'm going to take a shower with the door open so I can see my dog is there to protect me.

It made me think about the Madeline McCann disappearance. Pretty much exactly the same thing, only she was five and her parents left her with no way of checking on her to go to a restaurant down the street. That little girl was very, very lucky her parents were close by and had walkie talkies.

Glad you got out of there okay, brrr. This is why you always listen to the creepy old psychics (I know this from movies).

All the guests in the video reacted as if a bus had fallen on the bride. I'm pretty sure she's had her husband on top of her before! (Well, I hope so anyway.)

That pretty much completely sums up that subreddit. And everyone is abusive, all the time. Partner gives you the silent treatment for a day after a row? Abusive. It's ridiculous. And women are always, always cheating or looking to cheat, of course.

Go for it! It is terrifying, but you get so drawn into its world you don't want to turn it off.

I love Geek Love! Arty is one of literature's most creepy antagonists, in my view. And Oly is wonderfully sympathetic and baffling at once. If I hadn't just reread it I'd be opening it up again now!

I'm thinking either troll or one of those depressing Red Pill Women.

Are we including showering? Showering and doing hair and makeup is about 45 mins to an hour for me. Mind you, that can include dancing to the radio and playing with the dog...

I remember being little, and being very shy, but I was lucky in that sense because my family isn't very physical. There were relatives who were very touchy, but coincidentally (or not) they were also the kind of people I was usually comfortable touching. The impact the lack of touching had on my social skills when I

Oh god, I just want them to not always be on the telly. Their sodding wedding took up about three days and I didn't even go near it when wee George came along.

So did the driver just swerve a lot, or...?

I'm now dying to know what a Hell House is too. Confused Scottish person over here.

My new motto, right there.

Red wine stains your teeth... what the hell is it doing to the genitalia of these idiots?