I said it the other day (yesterday?) and I’ll say it again: “brelfie” should be when you take a selfie at brunch. Eggs benedict > “blah blah blah I breastfeed aren’t I so granola and I need to let the world know”
I said it the other day (yesterday?) and I’ll say it again: “brelfie” should be when you take a selfie at brunch. Eggs benedict > “blah blah blah I breastfeed aren’t I so granola and I need to let the world know”
I don’t want to offend anyone, but I find that picture of Kourtney K. with the breast pump really, really gross. It turns me off my food, frankly. Who puts their bare feet up on a table like that where people have to eat, FFS?!?!
Fuck “Brelfie.” FUCK IT.
It's not minor- pregnancy puts a lot of strain on your body, and it's important that women are able to recuperate before putting themselves under that strain so closely over and over again, to avoid negative health outcomes down the line.
This isn’t about wearing short skirts or something, this is doctors giving medical advice about women allowing their bodies to recover.
These numbers can’t be accurate if they included Michelle Duggar.
Maybe it’s not that they allow more space, but that they take longer to get pregnant? Or, possibly, that since they are older they are (possibly) more highly educated and know it’s better to space?
I know a woman (in Britain where we have long paid maternity leave) who planned her pregnancies close together so she wouldn’t have to go back in between. The kids are about 18 months apart.
Pretty sure this is directly tied to lack of paid maternity leave. If your income is going to take a hit for having infants, better to get all the rough years over with at once. I guess you could argue that longer spacing = more time to save up for the next baby, but we all know Americans suck at saving no matter…
Glad I am not having phantom memories about vaginal mesh ads, also I am glad your important bits are in the proper places.
This is boggling my mind. Is it easily removable? Once the child becomes a teen or an adult and DOES NOT FUCKING CONSENT TO THIS SHIT is there an easy and painfree way of removing the fucking DEVICE you put in them?
This is some fucked up sci-fi shit.
The kids who are most at-risk of being abducted, disappeared/murdered, trafficked, and kidnapped are not kids from the kinds of well-off homes who could afford to chip the kid for "positive" reasons. They're the kids from the suburbs you explicitly tell your kids "never go there", the non-white and foster kids and…
As a recreational runner, I was usually tasked with catching the elopers.
I'm beginning to think Jaden is the reincarnation of Buddha's slower younger brother, Gary.
Ya'll gonna make me lose my mesh.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is that God is crying. And if he asks why God is crying, I think another cute thing to tell him is, "Probably because of something you did."