
It went a bit wrong here in the UK. I only know this because I am supposed to get a *completely different* implant surgery and my perpetually-baffled 60-year-old dad called me in a panic and told me not to get one. I did not expect to have a "my uterus and bladder are in the same place they've always been, Dad"

People visit just to protest? Ugh. I'm sort of hoping that this video will motivate more people to tell these dicks off when they see them, as long as it doesn't start escalating hugely!

The counselling thing enraged me. People in my part of Glasgow with mental health issues have to self-refer to counselling services, won't be seen for ages, etc etc, and yet they wanted to spend money on that?

Right?! I live in Glasgow and I've never, ever seen them. There's a charity shop around here run by a Catholic "pro-life" initiative but that's as much of that crap as I've seen. It really depressed me to see that this is a problem in the UK too.

I am robbing this to put on my boyfriend's Facebook wall. Thank you!

I just started watching Brooklyn 99 and I absolutely adore him and now I just want to squee and hug his big muscly self even more.

I don't think it's a competition. And it looked a lot like you having a wee dig for no reason, to be honest. Especially since this case isn't about secrecy laws; it does show clear evidence of police corruption though. Which is shitty the world over.

We also have free healthcare, free contraception, readily available access to abortion, a decent welfare state (the Tories are shafting it a bit, but the foundations are still there), virtually no gun crime, liberal immigration policies, free higher education...

I'll take your word for it!

Trimming with electric clippers has been my downfall a couple of times. But at least we're safe from folding chairs, right? Hopefully...

Very true! I misspoke because Bacardi. I mean the super pendulous kind that gets stuck in stuff. That's generally bollocks etc. I believe.

Man, having external genitalia sounds dangerous.

I'm Scottish, and like many other people over here I have no clue what the fuck. I only know it started when US-owned shops like Asda (owned by Walmart) started doing Black Friday and now it's just gone nuts, every store wants to compete. I don't know anyone who went to the shops looking for bargains. Most people take

I'm not gonna lie, it'd kinda be worth it. I've had to suffer that jeans-pulled-up-too high fud on Top Gear since I was a teenager.


No you have to keep him! We don't want the arsehole and we already have to live with Jeremy Clarkson, Nigel Farage, and numerous other rockets. Pleeeeeaaase take him back!

There's only one clown and he is terrifying, but you could totally hide behind a cushion when he's on and still know what's going on in the show!

The crush I had on Mat Fraser when I was about 14 is coming back.

This is... disgusting. So I take it this old guy just refused to go to the doctor like a sane person and instead the family's resident nurse or whoever just had to squeeze it in the garden? Ugh. Uuuuuuuugh.