Gail_von _Kleinenstein

Rabbits do not vaccinate and they don’t care what you think about it!

Atleast with that story, the girl said she had a great time, and the assholes are forever known as the worst people ever on several counts (hating gay people, hating people with disabilities, AND having the maturity of 12 year olds).

2939 Renwick St, Monroe, LA 71201 (318) 387-8441

Anything done in the name of the Cha Cha Slide is worthwhile.

My wedding dress had very thin little straps on the shoulders. While greeting guests in the receiving line, I went to give an old friend a hug and felt something snap. I looked down and my strap had broken off and I was about a second away from a nip slip. Thankfully I noticed it immediately and was able to hold my

Not even terrible but (entire story NSFW)......Two days before my wedding, I got my period. My period is usually fairly well behaved- first day heavy, tapers off fairly quickly, lasts about 4 days total, move on with life. Not this time. We arrived in Vegas (Vegas wedding for the win) and had sex which made our hotel

I hate that I'm typing this, but GWB was better looking than Ted Cruz.

yeah, but c'mon, the man can also appreciate a good butter cow!

I'd vote her in for president before her whack ass dad.

I too, am on Team Ted Cruz is Actually Two Children Stacked On Top Of Each Other.

Ted Cruz wears clothes like that bug wore Vincent D'onofrio in Men in Black.

I think the larger question is how will he balance career and family?

He looks like the kid version of Ross Perot from All That. Only creepier if that was even possible.

This could mean taking your pants off to eat a beautifully arranged cheese plate,

Carol is playing the long con, i mean her talking about her husband and being a little den mother.... how many of us watching that dialogue went back to thinking about her killing and burning the two infected bodies back at the prison, killing Lizzie or taking down terminus?

Carol: smart woman..... or SMARTEST woman?

Carol has been my favorite ever since season three. She is one badass woman. She is pragmatic, smart, and I am 100% on her side. And on a totally shallow note, Melissa McBride is completely gorgeous, and when I start going gray, I am totally doing my hair like that instead of dying it.

It's actually a photoshopped cabbage patch doll.


Time for some Prince side-eye.