Gail_von _Kleinenstein

Um, did you just imply hippos are not graceful?

As someone in one of these "less desirable" industries who got promoted up, I feel like you're being unfair here.

Is she really that popular, because I've never heard of herbivore.

she didn't get the job and wound up marrying a guy 25 yrs her senior and living as a housewife in Connecticut.

I am pretty sure you/we will die young. I feel like a lot of people who talk about the wonders of standing desks and such still get the luxury of moving (easier than standing) and sitting when wanted. Or at least having shorter shifts.

THANK YOU. I don't want fake compliments. I don't want robo compliments. I want to look nice and not like my outfit was modeled after a tablecloth draped over an elephant.

"Personally, this sounds about as appealing as a stale Crumbs cupcake."


Haha! I did something similar once on the kitchen wall of an laundry detergent. I forget what brand it was, but the stuff we used was clear...only it fluoresced rather brilliantly under UV. So as a parting gift, I left a blacklight tube in the under-cupboard fixture over the sink. ;]

Tonight on HGTV: From Murder Chamber To Love Nest In Not Time At All

Oh, look at those big eyes! Time to bust out my dumpster kitty:

Oh no. My dumpster baby (what I call her) was really lucky. Someone went out to empty the trash early (before the truck came) and heard some pitiful kitty crying. I don't know what I would do without her.

Seriously, the bunny only responds to French. My fiancé (who is French) raised him, and despite my best efforts at being adorable, the bunny does not respond to my American accent. I beg him to please get inside the fucking house so he doesn't freeze to death - no response. Adorable French fiancé says, "allons-y!" and


sherman (!) reminds me of our cat pepper!

I didn't know you could spontaneously marry an internet image until now.


I like to think the rabbit got its own back in round two.