Gail_von _Kleinenstein

Exactly. Also, being an asshole. Cats love being assholes.

If that's her schtick she should play to it. Mimicking a highly stylized form of Japanese music videos all of which tend to feature some pretty sharp dance routines is not playing to that strength.

I bet your fart sounded better than this song. SHAZZAM!

You've sunk pretty low when Corey Feldman has a better single out than yours.

Let's not get crazy here...given the two options I would go with hidden option number three: shoving scalpels in my ears.

This is endlessly entertaining to me. On top of everything else, Avril has absolutely NO style. She has no groove whatsoever — she looks like a grandma trying to rock out. (She looks like me when I'm dancing at home and no one can see me.) Horrible.

Let's not kid ourselves. You know what it was called, I know what it was called... we all secretly listened to it. And then we secretly listened to her I Don't Like Your Girlfriend song.
...This might be the exception.

She looked uncomfortable in the part of the video where she's supposed to be waving to her fans on the street... so I'm gonna go with no.

She's still only in her 20's. She's also wearing so much makeup that it could possibly be categorized as a prosthetic face, so there is that.

She is out Nickelbacking her husband.

Perfect response, perfect user name. A+

I fart on this song

I watched 19 seconds and had to stop. I feel like that was less mature than Sk8er Boi (I think that's what it was called?) which was like 12 years ago.

And a name like "Antonia Ayres-Brown" is made for headlines either as an activist, supreme court judge, president.....

I do get asked if I want a "boy" or "girl" toy. I always say "hand me both", and show them to my two year old daughter, who then makes a choice based on which toy meets her lofty standards. (Cars or anything with wheels or wings=yay. Accesories like belts or rings=nay.)